Quits and Giggles

Office Slave to Boss Babe: How Beth took her side hustle full time

Lauren Leopold Season 1 Episode 30

Think tax and accountancy is dull? Think again. Beth Jackson describes herself as 'Not another pants accountant' and she's on a mission to debunk the financial side of running your business - something that so many female entrepreneurs struggle with (me included before I met her).

But Beth wasn't always running her own business. She was once a corporate slave, who spent most of her days bored out of her mind 'flicking through the shared drive'.

But it wasn't until a drunken message from her sister that she decided to start a side hustle and see if she could take it full time. Get ready to hear her ridiculously honest story of how she managed to quit the corporate world and work for herself, helping small business owners with their tax and accounting.

And that's not all. Beth digs into all the burning finance and tax questions that you're too afraid to ask in case you look stupid... Should I go sole trader or limited company? How much should I be saving for tax? Do I really need an accountant?  Beth's got you covered in her unique 'professional unprofessional' style.

'"You have to really piss HMRC off for them to come and take your house. You have to be a real knob" - Beth Jackson,

You'll hear about:

03:24 How working in corporate payroll left her feeling completely undervalued.

07:33 How got her first clients into her side hustle whilst working full-time, even making sales calls in the office bathroom

21:06 How she slowly & sustainably grew that business to be able to quit her job.

25:14 Differences between sole trader and limited company; tax efficiency, limited liability differences.

38:14 Why offering a beta discount to attract initial clients is the best way to go

43:40 Why you'll need to get super visibile eventually if you want to keep your business afloat

Beth's resources:

LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/beth-jackson-2sa/

My resources:

Find out more about my epic group coaching programme: Side Hustle without Social: https://bit.ly/shwos-podcast

Get your free guide to start your online side business without social media- https://bit.ly/StepbyStepGuideBizWoSocial

Join my Side Hustle Success Facebook group (https://bit.ly/SideHustleSuccessGroup) A community for badass women running (or wanting to run) service-based businesses on the side of their 9-5.

Sign up to my Biz Bites News Letter (https://bit.ly/BizBitesNewsletter) To hear about the highs, lows (& all the shiz in between) of running your own business. Think tips, tricks, inspiration & a dose of gentle arse-kicking.

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