Quits and Giggles

Side Hustle Superstar: How Susie bagged 2 paying clients without touching Insta

Lauren Leopold Season 1 Episode 32

Have you already had a couple of people pay you, but in your head they don’t count coz you already knew them? Well, you’re not alone. 

Meet my fabulous client Susie Boutal who as a mother of three with a demanding 9-5 is proof that you can carve out a successful side business without compromising your integrity or sanity.

In this fascinating episode, you’ll hear how Susie’s passion for helping people saw her develop her decluttering side hustle into something more meaningful, which is when her coaching business was born.

She’d had a couple of clients by the time we’d met, but because they were friends of a friends, she felt like she’d cheated. She also had zero clarity on her niche or what she was offering so joined my Side Hustle without Social programme.

And what a transformation! By the time we’d finished working together, she’d honed her niche & created a sexy AF Beta Offer which landed her 2 paying clients, who were complete strangers to her and which helped her finally feel legit.

“Dare to think big, and let the journey unfold. Four months later, you won't be the same, but in the best way possible." - Susie Boutal  

You'll hear about:  

02:15 - What made Susie decide to start her business and study coaching  

04:09 - Overcoming the overwhelm of launching and growing a coaching business  

11:47 - Achieving her first ‘legit feeling’ paying clients 

18:38 - Evolving her niche to include ADHD decluttering coaching  

Susie's resources: 

Website: www.aspaceforliving.co.uk

Instagram: @aspaceforliving

Facebook: www.facebook.com/A.Space.for.Living

Facebook Group: A Space for Living

My resources: 

Find out more about Side Hustle without Social: https://bit.ly/shwos-podcast

Get your free guide to start your online side business without social media-


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