Quits and Giggles

Do what the f*ck you want when you want with Lauren Dixon

Lauren Leopold Episode 11

The freedom to choose is one of the biggest reasons people want to work for themselves. Being free to choose to spend time with your kids, your friends, or go on that holiday whenever you like. It all comes from flexibility. That’s the power of being your own boss. But how do you go from side hustle to fully-fledged bad ass entrepreneur?

In this episode I‘m joined by Lauren Dixon, my social media manager and client. Her side hustle journey began on maternity leave, and she is now hitting £5K months - over triple what she was earning previously - working just 2 days a week. 

She talks about why she wanted to start her own business, the mistakes she made and her battles with self-confidence. She also gives 3 incredible tips for aspiring female entrepreneurs who want to do what the f*ck they want when they want.

“At the beginning you need to give it everything you’ve got” – Lauren Dixon

You'll hear about:

02:05 - Why Lauren wanted to start her own business

06:49 - Turning thoughts into reality

11:55 - How Lauren got her second client

18:49 - Why Lauren wanted to start coaching

25:27 - The mistakes Lauren made along the way

32:00 - Having the flexibility to choose

35:45 - Where is Lauren's business at now?

39:25 - Lauren's 3 tips for aspiring female entrepreneurs

Lauren Dixon’s resources:

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/yoursocialtribe/?hl=en-gb 

My resources:

Join my Side Hustle Success Facebook group (https://bit.ly/SideHustleSuccessGroup) A community for badass women running (or wanting to run) service-based businesses on the side of their 9-5.

Sign up to my Biz Bites News Letter (https://bit.ly/BizBitesNewsletter) To hear about the highs, lows (& all the shiz in between) of running your own business. Think tips, tricks, inspiration & a dose of gentle arse-kicking.

Get your free guide to start your online side business - https://bit.ly/StepbyStepGuideBizWoSocial

Before you go, don’t forget to leave a comment and review if you got something out of this episode!

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