Quits and Giggles

The secret to creating an offer that clients will buy with Lauren Leopold

September 25, 2023 Lauren Leopold Episode 10
The secret to creating an offer that clients will buy with Lauren Leopold
Quits and Giggles
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Quits and Giggles
The secret to creating an offer that clients will buy with Lauren Leopold
Sep 25, 2023 Episode 10
Lauren Leopold

So many people make the same mistake when trying to get paying clients. They try launching an offer without doing market research. In this episode I share my  market research tips and talk you through the consequences of not doing market research at all, something I disastrously experienced myself back in 2021. You’ll also learn the best ways to gather market research and the power of my outreach onion technique.

Stop second guessing what your clients want and create a banging offer  by doing market research.

“Market research gives you a ton of clarity on what your ideal client needs” – Lauren Leopold

You'll hear about:

00:44 - The consequences of not doing market research

02:49 - The danger of assuming what clients want

05:11 - How it gives you ideas for new products or services

06:55 - Common mistakes with market research

09:20 - Tips for market research

12:48 - The power of the outreach onion

15:36 - How you can use Facebook groups

My resources:

Join my Side Hustle Success Facebook group (https://bit.ly/SideHustleSuccessGroup) A community for badass women running (or wanting to run) service-based businesses on the side of their 9-5.

Sign up to my Biz Bites News Letter (https://bit.ly/BizBitesNewsletter) To hear about the highs, lows (& all the shiz in between) of running your own business. Think tips, tricks, inspiration & a dose of gentle arse-kicking.

Get your free guide to start your online side business - https://bit.ly/StepbyStepGuideBizWoSocial

Before you go, don’t forget to leave a comment and review if you got something out of this episode!

Show Notes Chapter Markers

So many people make the same mistake when trying to get paying clients. They try launching an offer without doing market research. In this episode I share my  market research tips and talk you through the consequences of not doing market research at all, something I disastrously experienced myself back in 2021. You’ll also learn the best ways to gather market research and the power of my outreach onion technique.

Stop second guessing what your clients want and create a banging offer  by doing market research.

“Market research gives you a ton of clarity on what your ideal client needs” – Lauren Leopold

You'll hear about:

00:44 - The consequences of not doing market research

02:49 - The danger of assuming what clients want

05:11 - How it gives you ideas for new products or services

06:55 - Common mistakes with market research

09:20 - Tips for market research

12:48 - The power of the outreach onion

15:36 - How you can use Facebook groups

My resources:

Join my Side Hustle Success Facebook group (https://bit.ly/SideHustleSuccessGroup) A community for badass women running (or wanting to run) service-based businesses on the side of their 9-5.

Sign up to my Biz Bites News Letter (https://bit.ly/BizBitesNewsletter) To hear about the highs, lows (& all the shiz in between) of running your own business. Think tips, tricks, inspiration & a dose of gentle arse-kicking.

Get your free guide to start your online side business - https://bit.ly/StepbyStepGuideBizWoSocial

Before you go, don’t forget to leave a comment and review if you got something out of this episode!

The consequences of not doing market research
The danger of assuming what clients want
How it gives you ideas for new products or services
Common mistakes with market research
Tips for market research
The power of the outreach onion
How you can use Facebook groups