Quits and Giggles

What you really need to know about Niching with Lauren Leopold

August 14, 2023 Lauren Leopold Episode 7
What you really need to know about Niching with Lauren Leopold
Quits and Giggles
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Quits and Giggles
What you really need to know about Niching with Lauren Leopold
Aug 14, 2023 Episode 7
Lauren Leopold

Knowing their niche is something I see so many business owners and aspiring business owners struggle with, but it’s the thing that can have one of the biggest impacts on a business’s success. Once you know who you are here to serve it focuses not just your marketing but your services as well. You will no longer be trying to please everyone but focus on your specific target market.


In this episode I’m not only talking about WHY you need to find your niche, but also HOW to find it by answering a simple set of questions, as well as why you need to find your niche, how to define your target market and ideal client.


Let’s get niching!


“It’s not about restriction, it’s actually about focus” – Lauren Leopold


You'll hear about:


00:44 - The struggle to niche in business

02:57 - The worries around niching

03:48 - Niching is all about focus

05:26 - The biggest mistake in niching

07:58 - Defining your target market

09:16 - Questions to work out your niche

12:04 - Defining your ideal client

17:02 - The importance of market research


My resources:
Join my Side Hustle Success Facebook group (https://bit.ly/SideHustleSuccessGroup) A community for badass women running (or wanting to run) service-based businesses on the side of their 9-5.

Sign up to my Biz Bites News Letter (https://bit.ly/BizBitesNewsletter) To hear about the highs, lows (& all the shiz in between) of running your own business. Think tips, tricks, inspiration & a dose of gentle arse-kicking.

Get your free guide to start your online side business - https://bit.ly/StepbyStepGuideBizWoSocial
Before you go, don’t forget to leave a comment and review if you got something out of this episode!

Show Notes Chapter Markers

Knowing their niche is something I see so many business owners and aspiring business owners struggle with, but it’s the thing that can have one of the biggest impacts on a business’s success. Once you know who you are here to serve it focuses not just your marketing but your services as well. You will no longer be trying to please everyone but focus on your specific target market.


In this episode I’m not only talking about WHY you need to find your niche, but also HOW to find it by answering a simple set of questions, as well as why you need to find your niche, how to define your target market and ideal client.


Let’s get niching!


“It’s not about restriction, it’s actually about focus” – Lauren Leopold


You'll hear about:


00:44 - The struggle to niche in business

02:57 - The worries around niching

03:48 - Niching is all about focus

05:26 - The biggest mistake in niching

07:58 - Defining your target market

09:16 - Questions to work out your niche

12:04 - Defining your ideal client

17:02 - The importance of market research


My resources:
Join my Side Hustle Success Facebook group (https://bit.ly/SideHustleSuccessGroup) A community for badass women running (or wanting to run) service-based businesses on the side of their 9-5.

Sign up to my Biz Bites News Letter (https://bit.ly/BizBitesNewsletter) To hear about the highs, lows (& all the shiz in between) of running your own business. Think tips, tricks, inspiration & a dose of gentle arse-kicking.

Get your free guide to start your online side business - https://bit.ly/StepbyStepGuideBizWoSocial
Before you go, don’t forget to leave a comment and review if you got something out of this episode!

The struggle to niche in business
The worries around niching
Niching is all about focus
The biggest mistake in niching
Defining your target market
Questions to work out your niche
Defining your ideal client
The importance of market research